Four Strategies to Attract Chinese Buyers
Four Strategies to Attract Chinese Buyers

Four Strategies to Attract Chinese Buyers

China is a huge market with many opportunities, but these opportunities are only reachable if you can respect and adapt yourself to the Chinese market, or more precisely, to the Chinese people. If you can understand them and follow a few common strategies, then your chance of success will be higher.

An article has already been written that focused on how to attract Chinese male ebuyers but now we are going to focus on four different strategies for the Chinese market.

How Do You Target Your Customers?

The first thing you have to do when you want to target your customers or the people you want to reach is to talk to the right people. For example, if you plan to target the millenniums yet you talk to the parents of your target, then it will be pointless.

To be able to talk to the right people you have to segment your market. One of the best tools to segment and target your customers that has become popular recently, especially by big companies, is A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).

Thanks to this A.I. you will be able to personalize any message to your WeChat followers. That means you will be able to send thousands of personalized messages. This is possible because the A.I. will collect data about your followers such as how long they have been following your account, and which channel they got in touch with, etc.

One thing you must remember, each customer is different, and if you succeed at adapting your promotional message to each of them then you will have a better chance of increasing their willingness to purchase from you.

This technic has been used by Wyoming Xu, CEO & Founder at OCheng. He has been working with Sephora and LVMH and helped them to increase their sales in only a few months.

How Do You Generate Sales on Social Media?

If you had a chance to read our previous article about the digital marketing trends in 2017  you will have an idea of how to generate sales on social media. One of these trends that should be used in China to attract new buyers is content marketing.

We have a fascinating case study, 有书 WeChat store shared by WalkTheChat.This company sells books and shares content marketing. They now have more than 7 million followers and use this strategy to increase their sales. They mainly use WeChat groups to get in touch with people and to increase their followers. Moreover, every week, they will suggest one book to read with a link to buy it.

According to this case study, the results were amazing. The number of sales they were able to make in one week amounted to what they would usually achieve in two months using standard promotional methods.

How Do You Engage With Your Customers?

At the moment, one of the best way to engage with your customers is by giving them the possibility to try your products. By letting them use your products, it will increase the chance that they will remember you, and it will make them feel unique and special. This way of engagement is recommended by many people even the famous KOL Melilim Fu.

Another great way to engage your customers will be to use gamification to develop the ROI of your advertising. If you can create some games and rewards, you will create more and more company value and the link between you and your customers will become even stronger. Using a call to action is also a very successful key to engage your customers.

How To Survive in This Highly Competitive Market?

Follow the above steps and do not forget to put yourself in the shoes of your customers. The best way to understand your customers and know how to reach them is by using, for example, WeChat so you can know what messages will have a greater impact on them and encourage them to buy your product(s).

It will definitely be a challenge, and you will face challenges, but in the end, you will be proud of what you have accomplished.

What Is Your Next Step?

As you can see, attracting Chinese customer is quite specific but at the same time a bit common as well. Essentially, these simple tips are quite useful for any business. If you need more information about this or even some help, we will be glad to help you to adapt your business and target Chinese customers. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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