Wechat BLOG

Latest marketing, technology and design trends you need to know.

What Is WeChat Mini Program - All you need to know

Discover all you need to know about WeChat Mini Programs and their features, benefits, and potential for businesses looking to reach Chinese customers

Wechat Features list QPSoftware

Get the most out of WeChat with this comprehensive guide to its features. Learn how to use WeChat for messaging, payment, business and more.

Setting Up a WeChat Official Account for Overseas Businesses

Get a WeChat Official Service Account set up for you overseas business. Follow these four main steps and prepare a fee of 99USD.

Everything You Can Do with WeChat QR Codes in 2019

Discover how to generate and use WeChat QR codes for marketing, payment, and authentication purposes. Learn how WeChat QR codes can grow your business.


WeData Analytics: Get better insights from your Mini Program

While Google Analytics and Baidu Tongji work for WeChat Mini Programs, WeData has a variety of features and functionality optimized for Mini Programs.

  • Mini-program
  • SEO
The Development Trends of WeChat Mini-Program in 2022

In depth look at the continued growth of WeChat Mini-Programs for e-commerce and other purposes, with features such as AI and more interactivity.

How Luxury Brands Engage with Chinese Consumers via WeChat Mini Program

Discover how luxury brands are leveraging WeChat's Mini programs for gamifaction, AR/VR, livestreaming, cross-border e-commerce, and personalization.

Guidance to WeChat Cross-Border E-commerce

Learn how WeChat can be a valuable tool for foreign businesses looking to expand into the Chinese e-commerce market.

wechat fetures for ecommerce

Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging WeChat Official Accounts, Mini Programs, and WeChat Pay to increase customer loyalty and drive sales.

wechat work app

Learn about the latest updates and best practices for using WeChat Work and how to best leverage Wechat Work for business communication and collaboration.

How to Open, Run and Promote a WeChat Store in China

Start selling online with a WeChat store. Learn how to set up, manage, optimize and market your store for maximum sales in China.

WeChat official account for foreigner - QPSoftware

Learn how to set up a WeChat Official Account for your foreign company in China with our step-by-step guide of the entire process.

How to Manage a WeChat Account

Efficiently manage your WeChat Official Account by learning how to plan content, interact with followers, and analyze performance.

How to Develop WeChat Mini Programs that Rock

Learn the steps and best practices for developing a WeChat Mini Program. Discover tips on UX design, technical requirements and more.

WeChat Service vs. Subscription - How to Regis-ter a WeChat Official Account

Discover the differences between WeChat Official Account Subscription and Service Accounts and learn how to register for each with our comprehensive guide.

WeChatPay and Alipay Around the World

Learn about the global expansion of WeChat Pay and Alipay. Discover the markets, challenges, and opportunities for using these payment platforms worldwide.

Stay informed about the latest WeChat Announcements of 2018 and learn about how these exciting opportunities can grow your business in China.

Make a Viral WeChat Post

Maximize your WeChat marketing strategy with QP Software's tips on how to create viral WeChat posts. Boost your online presence and reach more customers.

WeChat App VS WeChat Mini Program

Explore the differences between a WeChat app and a WeChat mini-program. Learn about the pros and cons of each to choose the right one for your business.

WeChat Around The World

Discover how WeChat is changing the way people communicate around the world. Read QP Software's analysis of its global impact and potential for growth.

WeChat Pay in UK

Learn about the future of WeChat Pay in the UK and its potential impact on international payments. Read our latest blog post on QPSoftware.net.

How To Transfer WeChat Official Account

Learn how to transfer your WeChat Official Account with our step-by-step guide on the transfer process, requirements, and considerations.